Ohana News - February 2025

Word:  Power / Color:  Blue

Aloha Ohana,

I hope everyone is safe and well from the recent storm that has passed over Maui. Please see the front desk if you would like to subscribe to our monthly newsletters or gain access to our private app to stay up-to-date with alerts and events we have going on!  Emergency updates will also be posted on our Facebook page and Instagram.

Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year! We will be performing a demonstration for the Chinese New Year festival held at Maui Mall on February 1st!! Ohana Martial Arts is set to perform at 12pm-1pm. Please wear your ohana shirt to show support for your team☺

CLOSED: February 17th for President’s Day.


Striping will be held on February 26th, 27th, 28th for blue stripes. Please let Sensei Anita know ahead of time if you will be unable to attend striping as we can plan for a make-up day.

Kind regards,

Master Main

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